Sunday 9 March 2014

Review Time! Koji: 'Dolly Wink' Lashes in 'Dolly Sweet' & Diamond Lash: 'Sweet Eye' Lower Lashes (Picture Heavy!)

Yesterday I received my Koji: 'Dolly Wink' lashes in 'Dolly Sweet' and my Diamond Lash 'Sweet Eye' lower lashes from! So prepare your pupils for a very picture heavy post.

Before start waffling, I just want to clarify that this only my opinion and that you may have an entirely different one. So just take my words with a pinch of salt (or sugar and lemon juice, if that's more to your taste).

Left; Diamond Lash, lower lashes in 'Sweet Eye'.
Contains: 5 pairs of individual, lower lashes.
Cost: £11.50.

Right; Koji's 'Dolly Wink' lashes in 'Dolly Sweet'
Contains: 2 pairs of lashes and a small tube of lash glue.
Cost: £12.50

Before now, I'd never worn lower lashes or individual top lashes, so you can imagine the look of complete horror on my face (comparable to when your mother steals the last, heavenly morsel of cake which you'd been saving for an almost orgasmic, climactic finish to your meal...or is it just mine who does that?) when I discovered that these lashes don't come on a single lash band.

The glue was incredibly tacky so when I detached these from the tray pieces of long, stretchy glue remained attached to the lash (although it was easy enough to remove)

Is there a reason Koji decided to leave a tiny bit of clear lash band at the edge of their lashes?

Time for some before and after images! Warning: Creepy eye-close ups approaching.

Eyes open/closed with L'oreal gel eyeliner and Soap & Glory 'Thick & Fast' mascara applied to lashes.
My eyelashes have 0% volume even with mascara on (although I didn't curl them, so maybe that would've solved that issue).

Koji's 'Dolly Wink' lashes only. That's quite a difference, huh?

I didn't cut them (They cost £12.50, I'm going to use every bit of them!) so they have a very...alien and unnatural appearance, but I guess that's the whole point since they're meant to give you a lovely, big, dolly eye.
I really don't recommend wearing these on their own unless you have long lower lashes, plan on wearing false lower lashes, or intentionally want to look like you're transitioning from human to peafowl.

I had to fill parts of the band in with eyeliner because the glue didn't dry completely clear. This isn't too much of an issue but I've never had this problem with my trust Katy Perry lashes (in 'Cool Kitty').

Props to Georgina Doull of Cupcake's Clothes and Dolly Darling for this adorable, glittery deer headband!

Koji's 'Dolly Wink' lashes and Diamond Lash's 'Sweet Eye' lower lashes.

MUCH better! Now, I don't look natural, not in the slightest, but I aimed for a 'little china doll with big eyes that follow you around the room' kind of look anyway and I think I pulled that off pretty nicely.

I didn't wear the smallest lashes on my inner eye because they looked nice enough as they were (and I'd almost poked my eye out enough already).

Are they worth the cost? Yes and no; if you want a 'doll' look and don't plan on wearing these on a regular basis (or if you plan on taking really good care of them) then they're worth the cost.

Would I buy these again? Yes, but only after these ones are so tattered and glue-covered that I couldn't bear to stick them on my face.

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