Saturday 8 March 2014

DIY: Hime Gyaru Edition (#1) Trinket Box & Mirror (Inspired by Emmeline from TransparentFawn.Blogspot)

Emmeline from TransparentFawn.Blogspot created a beautiful, romantic hime-gyaru mirror which really caught my eye, so I just HAD to make one for myself.

I didn't change Emmeline's design too much. I still used the;
Cherry Blossoms
Two layers of lace along the top of the mirror
Strings of pearls
A ribbon in the centre
Why adapt too much when something already looks gorgeous enough?

I did adapt a few elements of the mirror to give my own little spin on it;
Instead of two layers of white lace along the top of the mirror, I used one layer of pink. To make the lace 'pop' I added smaller, darker cherry blossoms with a much larger pink ribbon (with a pearl in the centre)

Since I used a small, table-top mirror I added a string of pearls and two cherry blossom corners to the base.
I also added a few furniture appliques to the mirror to match my drawers and give it a bit of a rococo twist. As you can imagine, the mirror began to become pretty top-heavy at this point so I left it as it is (even though I did want to add a second layer of pearls).

After making the mirror I still had plenty of supplies remaining, and a lot less space in my (already overrun) room, so I thought why not make a trinket box to store my decoden materials?

I wanted the trinket box to match the mirror, but look a bit more extravagant, so I added two strings of pearls (with pearl borders along the top), a gemstone cabochon and a crown cabochon to really emphasise the 'princess' theme.

I included my Chocomint crown themed accessories in the picture, because they were too adorable not to!

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